Saturday, July 03, 2004


Why do they refer to someone who is thought not to have a chance of winning as an underDOG.
Why not an underCAT?
Is it because cats are incapable of believing they can never be of a lower status? Is it because of a cat's superior athletic agility? Is it because of some stereotyping in the animal kingdom?
I've thought deeply about this (between naps) and I believe it all boils down to the fact that dogs simply have poor public relation agents. Some things are simple to figure out.


At July 4, 2004 at 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Watson ... what about the term "dogged" .. indicating fortitude and preserverance? Also, the term "catty" comes to mind. That word is never given in compliment form. -- Joe the Cat

At July 4, 2004 at 10:17 AM, Blogger Watson "America's Favorite Cat" said...

True, Joe, but I can counter with "going to the dogs", and "she's a real dog" and idioms as such.
However, I bear no ill will to my good canine friends, (I was raised by two British canines), quite so, I think they are good companions.
I just wanted to suggest they might want to seek a newer, more hip PR agent...maybe the Daily Dave?

At July 4, 2004 at 10:56 AM, Blogger wiredogs said...

The Daily Dave does need a more challenging job. He's heads and tails above his PHB .. in every way.


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